Fun for July Fourth in the Florida Keys include entertainment, fireworks and parades.
Most of these events are family-friendly, free. Note, the event in Big Pine Key is July 3.
July 1 – 4
July 3
- Big Pine Key and Lower Keys, 5 about 9 p.m., includes food, activities and fireworks about 9 p.m. at a park, 31009 Atlantis Drive, free entry
July 4
- Key West, fireworks at White Street Pier, 9 p.m., free. Watch from beaches on Atlantic Boulevard.
- Family Fun, Food & Fireworks 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., Founders Park, mile marker 87, Plantation Key, entertainment, food trucks, activities and fireworks; free entry with $5 parking donation, 305-853-1685
- Key Largo, around mile marker 103, fireworks over Blackwater Sound 10 p.m., weather permitting; reservations suggested for seating at local venues, such as Sundowners and other establishments, 305-451-4502
- Key Largo, Fourth of July parade, 10 a.m. from MM 98 to MM 100; free old-fashioned community picnic at Key Largo Community Park; 305-451-1414
- Marathon Beach Party & Fireworks Show, patriotic parade 10 a.m. from Marathon High School on Sombrero Beach Road, mile marker 50, to Sombrero Beach, with food, kids’ projects, entertainment and fireworks 305-743-5417