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Hurricane preparedness: How to build an emergency kit

Hurricane preparedness: How to build an emergency kit

The aftermath of a hurricane can be devastating and leave you and loved ones without basic necessities. Here’s a  helpful guide to creating an essential and basic emergency supply kit.

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It’s recommended you pack these items in weather-proof duffel bags or plastic bins – or a combination of both.

Here’s what to pack:

  • Three-day supply of nonperishable food and water. A gallon per person, per day is recommended.
  • Battery-powered radio or NOAA weather radio with tone alert.
  • Plastic sheeting and duct tape.
  • Cellphone with chargers and a backup battery.
  • Flashlight, first aid kit and extra batteries in various sizes.
  • Whistle and dust mask.
  • Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties.
  • Manual can opener.

This is just a partial list. For additional preparation information, watch this video from the American Red Cross.

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