In times of trouble, scammers often try to exploit the situation with everything from cheap and shoddy merchandise to fake charitable causes. Now the Internal Revenue Service and police are signaling an alert on stimulus check scams. There have been reports of fake IRS calls and emails seeking bank account and other private information in order …
In South Florida and other parts of the Sunshine State, farms are selling produce to the public. The Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association offers a list of participating farms. But before shopping, the site suggests verifying supply availability, preferably on the Facebook page of the farm you are interested in, or phoning. Get more details online. …
Soooo, how’s that home-schooling going? If your child is struggling with an assignment – or you’re struggling to remember enough to be of assistance – let Miami-Dade County’s Public Library System help you out. Its free Virtual Homework Help & Tutoring Program provides 30-minute online sessions from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturdays. But you must make …
Have you been trying to get through the unemployment assistance website, only for it to crash? Are you frustrated beyond belief? Well, we are here to tell you that there is an alternative around it: Say hello to the paper application now available. Just download and fill out the form, then mail it to the Florida …
Wonderful animal rescue organizations and their partners in South Florida are offering opportunities to receive free pet food. Some are intended for eligible applicants. Please return to this article. We’re adding other information. The Pet Project organization in Wilton Manors offers free food by appointment to eligible residents based on income of less than $1,500 …
Our pets are part of the family. If your pet is not feeling well, and you’re worried because you can’t reach your regular vet, there’s help available throughout South Florida. Here are veterinary services for your animals in case of an emergency. MIAMI-DADE ASPCA: Although it is temporarily suspending veterinary care services, medical emergencies are …
In an effort to make people’s lives easier in this current climate, Comcast is increasing speeds in its Internet Essentials program – and making the service free for new, low-income customers for two months. The idea is to help people stay connected to families, workplaces and more. In a letter, Comcast President of Consumer Services …
We’re starting to see businesses responding to recent developments in different ways. U-Haul is one of them. U-Haul is offering 30 days of free self-storage at U-Haul-owned and -operated facilities to help college students in the United States and Canada who may be affected by the recent and unforeseen schedule changes at their campuses. The …
During this time of uncertainty, Baptist Health is offering free urgent care visits online. The idea is to help prevent the spread of infections. If you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms, you can use this telehealth service to access a doctor who can help assess the situation. Download the Care on Demand app, …