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North Miami residents can get financial assistance

North Miami residents can get financial assistance

With state and federal financial assistance hard to come by during these difficult times, the City of North Miami has implemented several plans to help its residents and business owners. Along with its Community Redevelopment Agency, the city has several programs in place.

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Business Grants

Longstanding North Miami businesses can apply for the Legacy Business Grant of up to $5,000 of short-term working capital assistance to small businesses.

Also available for small businesses are the Regular Business Stabilization Grant of up to $1,000 of short-term working capital assistance and the Smart Biz Micro Grant to help small businesses invest in updating their hardware and software applications.

Housing Assistance

Also available to residents is the Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program administered by the North Miami. The city will distribute $172,500 in Coronavirus Relief Funds from Florida Housing Finance Corporation to unemployed and underemployed residents behind on their payments.

Additionally, Coronavirus-affected residents can find relief for their water bill via the Water Utility Bill Assistance program is making $250,000 available for aid via the North Miami Low Income Home Utility Bills Assistance Foundation.

Visit the City of North Miami website for full details on these programs.

If you don’t live in North Miami, now would be a good time to check with your city to see whether it is offering similar financial assistance.


Emergency financial assistance

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