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FPL offers Florida residents free online resources for reducing energy use

FPL offers Florida residents free online resources for reducing energy use

For reducing energy use in your South Florida residence,  FPL offers free online resources.

Using less electricity helps homeowners reduce utilities fees.

FPL Tips

  • Switch to energy-efficient LED lightbulbs
  • Turn off your overhead fan when you leave a room for potential savings of up to $85 per year per fan
  • Ensure a tight seal is around your refrigerator door
  • Limit pool pump use to six hours a day or less in summer
  • Reduce temperature on your water heater. Lowering by 10 degrees potentially saves 3% – 5% on water heating
  • Raise your thermostat to 78 degrees in summer. You’ll save 5% on cooling costs for each degree upward
  • Replace old worn-out cookware. Flat-bottomed cookware offers better contact with heating
    elements, and likely uses less energy

FPL free online resources include

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