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Activities paused until further notice — Register for free bird walks in Broward

Note: Activities paused until further notice

Deerfield Island Park in north Broward, a natural area accessible by a free boat shuttle, offers free bird walks.



The bird walk events, for adults and kids ages 8 and older, are 8:30 a.m. the first Saturdays of most months in fall, winter and spring. Pre-registration is required for the walks, 954-357-5100 Space is limited. When phoning, ask which dock is being used for  free boat shuttle transportation to the island park. Be at the dock by 8:15 a.m.

The walks are led by a Broward parks volunteer sharing information about bird species and their behavior.

Wear sturdy shoes without open toes. Binoculars are recommended.

Information about Deerfield Island is on the park website.

  • Free bird walks also are offered occasionally at Tall Cypress Natural Area, 3700 Turtle Run Blvd., Coral Springs 33067. Pre-registration is required. Space is limited, 954-357-5100



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