Residents interested in information about financial aid, food pantries & other social services resources for individuals and families are welcome to simply dial 2-1-1.
2-1-1 Broward is a free health and human services helpline providing support and valuable information about local agencies and organizations offering resources related to specific issues.
Connecting with 2-1-1 Broward counselors is free, anonymous & confidential
- For phone dial 2-1-1
- For Email
- For Text text your zipcode to 898211 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. week days
Information is online
Free 2-1-1 programs include phonecalls to seniors living alone
Other Useful Resources
- Free employment resources & recruitment events for Florida residents
- Free food-distribution events & food-drive drop-off information
- Register for free library e-card for lots of online resources
- Inexpensive rabies vaccines for pets
- Libraries offer drive-up & walk-up opportunities
- Deals for veterans, first responders & other front-line heroes
- Rent, utilities & other financial resources for Florida residents
- Free school supplies, events & resources
- Where to get a COVID vaccine in Miami-Dade
- Check out Miami On The Cheap’s special coupons page